Monday, March 9, 2009

Some new agey stuff,if your into this kind of thing.

warning my spell check was being obstinte and non co-operational.

I think i am about to go on a weird loop for a minute. Here are a smacking of videos sure to intriguingly take up too much of your time, and the source material for many of the responces and thoughts that may come up in today's blogiferation.

Follow on to the other parts on your own if you are so inclined.

I am not trying to force upon you any correctness of these things. Just these kinds of things have been my focus lately. I had already asked the world why they needed aliens so rescue or tell them the magic words. I had already rambled on about some of these very ideas.

It is weird when you come across other people seeing it simular to your self. But i have some issue with the Alien message to "help" humanity. Though he says truthful things it is mirraged by his constant eludications to humaities youth and need for his kind advice.

I got to thinking, if these other aliens who rape us via commerse but the kind of greater community the advisor...represents doesnt need our resources, then what makes it profitible for him to send us this advice? it engenders confusion... it gives hope and tares it away with the skill of Jim Jones.

I mean if I pretend myself to be a speaker to you from a higher plane... ( and i have before snicekrs) i should think that the individauls giving this "wholesom" advice are low ranked men to their people. Concidering how the other would be unseen ones have made no such sensational appence.

Basically i can be purcueded that this age is in a threshold period. i can see it clear as a bell somtimes. But yet there is not much i can do to effect it this way or that way. Gee i really do hope that our personal energy feild have some benifet..........then i think ok i am contributing to the awakening any time i am experiencing or relateing this idea i am not merely doing nothing.

But i sure can't step things up or go tell it on the mountian... or rush rush........ i believe god is in control of timeing, i have only to move properly.

there is a verse in the bible that says ....let him who is sinning sin still... i have already read into the bible that in those judgment times it would be as if no one could understand ...heart or spiriitaul language anymore.

If you know it then all you can do is know it with yourself and hopefully a few others you may brush past. I am reliseing that ....welll.............

Think about john the baptist...some nutter preaching to the barren hills out side of town. he lived his life totally emurssed in his awareness of god. He'd just be talking to god or to the world about god in his own emotion and his own words and the only way he got followers was when his words attracted listeners, and they thought his words needed to be heard by their friends.

and i do hope this Idea of Never sucombing your human freedom to the regimented complexities that are purely arbitrary speads on and takes hold and we make the oppurtunity to change something for the better.

I can say the hope and groovyness the videos can inspire is really um.... inspireing. I mean i so want to be free... but at the same time it seems the videos also paint an "us verses them" mentality, even while liberating some of US from them.

It plants the notion that we could gain something but too bad we wont because most of us are not able to see what you see. So guess what, you might have to go down with the ship.

And there is no unless........ the messages is so do or die.

he says " the greater comunity respects your individaul wisdom" yet wants to implant their own and stress it's realisation.... ( oh that reminds me so the greys want my resources why do you want my apprenticeship to you thru the great transition? you really sound like just another kid on the block.... but if this is good and if true i appreciate your reaching out... hey, we may learn alot from each other if we meet. But if your soo cool, help us kick the bad guys out then shelter us without your interference rather than watch and do nothing untill we have come accustomed to our ability to change how we do things.)

Basically since persusion methods arent going to change us... those who are awake are changed, and those who are aware of anything at all will make their proper choises at the time they are asked to. And suppsoe i keep my "enlightened love and energy" when push comes to shove my life force will be knocked off and all your pleading to humanity has lost another chance.

your message moves slower than the rate of belviers in it are or will be dieing when push comes to shove. So if there is any true respect for my individaulness or anyone elses there should be individaul recognition and i should not have to go down with the ship because i understood the precepts before joe my murderer even learned to cry.

Which also means that if 1 billion people awaken and 6 billion arent ready yet and they win the "armageddon" it would be another solar cycle to be given another chance to Acend again. Whats the point of warning us about this one if you already know that the chances are we wont make it? If it is important i think during these chances the good guys might take a few of the people desparate to exist in a more mentally stable reality with them and eventaully the rest of posterity will catch up.

Or maybe the universe is just a nasty place... if we evolve willignly , like over night by pure will... then perhaps we really, really could start fresh and wether there are aliens or not to assist us or harm us... we might make use of the confusion around us and guide the catalyst and put an end to psychotic methods.

I thought the other day how only a human could take a simple law like do not kill another, and philosphise it into murder. How it seems logical that the only way a being should die is accident, sickness, old age. Some beings in the natural world also die form defence from intrusion, and being eaten. These things could be concidered murder as their lives where taken. We also know that it is natural to kill and eat but there seems a law of proprioty that you only kill to survive. Being more intelligent, humans can learn other ways to eat, or practice repectfull diets and like other preditors and not to kill for glutony.

After that kind of murder there is killing another to enforce your will, enact vengence, or to remove an obsticle to a plan, or to remove an inconviencence, or becasue someone told you to in order to protect your idology, or becasue you where angery and your father raped you.....

these things are stealing of lives. Your not eating the dead or killing for survial.

wow i really lost my thoughts about the alien guy.... anyhoo..

I enjoyed a fantasy last night, one of my favorties about if i would invite three people form history to dinner who would it be and how would the evening go?

I imagined i invited Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjemin Franklin.

I dressed in a respectible though fairly modern dress and explained to them rudimentarily the science behind their presence in the "future".

I tell them how their advice and oppinion on these current times was needed. And i had the week prepared with various activities. the First was this lecture, followed by general questions.

I mentioned that if they had any political questions or wish to stear the conversation in that direction they try to refrain untill later because the answers are complex and need a cusion and comedy relief before we get involved.
SO i told them today we sociallise, tomarrow we have some good news, and thereafter we save america.


i thought our forefathers would get a kick out of the play/musical 1776 and i pretended it was a very lively evening of the three men reminising and discussing their times, allowing me to ask questions and them to approach the poilicial questions.

then i skipped a few things and got to the part were Ben was up in arms and we all wrote a petition and I said to Ben that i could not replicate enough of those papers becasue i did not have a printer....

He freaken laughed at me and pulled out a stack of papers and said "then we shall write them up ourselves if it takes thee days and nights! We make our share of petition and those people who belive in the notions herein will make their own share of the mention. This was how grass roots movments grow... your interent hasn't helped a thing. "

And i fell asleep before the daydream could get detailed enough to write... feel free to steal this Novel idea...........but who knows maybe i'll write a short story of it someday.... that i mentioned the idea at THIS date is kinda like a proof of copy write... unless i read it out of the theif author's mind before they wrote it.

anyway... umm anything else?

One small thing when your in a warped state of mind from listening to too many of these conspiray distractions, and reading the 300 comments , one can have a vision that the internet is almsot like a vehicle where judgement can happen. We all can see and comment what we think, like never before in time as we know it. it is like we are all jurors in the court of man.

Powerful position humanity is in.... and also something like in Revelation about the whole world will be able to see this or that when theses things happen. but i am sure that think is not so very original it is just groovy when you catch a glimpse.

done rambleing

.... First comment...... the day i wanted to comment this the internet was acting all gestapo and not leting me post so nener nener i will just put the thought here....(sometimes if i change screens and go back the print is all other languagey, weird)

I thought of a come back for Ben... i tell him that the internet has helped a great deal... now our documents dont have to be long winded and informitive, merely intrigeing. If the People are Inspired to Seek they will Find and they will act in many more ways than your large document could assemble.
Now should the doccument be condenced , maybe to the length of an index card then those who wish to be wise will research. One ought to admit, Sir ( i called him sir like like a smug little girl) it makes most sence to put the more sence into a textable size in these strange times.
Ben F. grumbled at me and before speaking Jeferson interjected...." it is a fine idea... you think my words are too, long wnded... let us see you shorten them."
We all moaned and laughed and i fell asleep again.""""""""

1 comment:

  1. Then Adams Jumps in and with full dignity says well my friends if the average person wont read a document that is both well worded and concise, how coudl we even expect them to preform toward self liberation? Either way by large letters or by fancy cleche' If the commonplace will not or cnanot understand they will not act. From what i see it is more likely to be mocked before concidered and detroyed before regretted.


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