Friday, April 4, 2008

Biblical Atheism

Greetings Reader,

In the interest of balance, some kind of cosmic who's-eee-what's-it has created for me a situation of some kind of symbolic message of logic and questions leading, we hope, to some it-thing we call truth.

Most of us are agreed that religion's suck and current understanding of the bible/et all and most assuredly the common mindless practice of the same is OUT.

But a few still believe in a god idea.

I do.

And "karma" has brought me an "atheist apologetic friend"
We are talking first about what is it that i am defining when i think , image or speak of "god" and we settled hovering over to me god is the "uber mind" or it is maybe how i am interpreting Carl Jung's collective unconscious. Be cause i have no "religion" or frigided "belief" but seek truth and understanding, my idea of god is able to grow........there is much in the realm of consideration to go thru before ruling out god as imaginary.

and i have a contact now to hammer out the philosophy it is hard to explain and iterate. not blog ready rants.

exploring the line between common subjective reality and delusional reality. As we here have been trying to define the line between sin full addiction and wise use. It is not in a simple rule; Don't smoke it is in a principle. IN balancing principles.

Anyway what is Biblical Atheism?

I wanted to write a book once. i think i can use the bible to make a new sect. My opening argument is that God said have no image.

and i would also go on with proof text that what god really wants form humans is to KNOW him.........what Jesus prayed for was that We too might be one with our father as he was one with his..........and the "gospel" is that it is finished. We are all one with god as he is with the father and jesus was an example ,even if in idea and myth , of the ideal that man is also god, also inpart and god the into the gospel according to the atheist......

When our frontal lobes get fried and we have that disassociative experience (See god helmet) the shit going on in your "reality" present a wicked cool point of view of oneness or connection with uberspace..........a Buddha mind..........what ever you want to call the damn phenomena most humans vaugly understand it as god and the experiences a revelation of god.

i argue that you have this kind of "spiritual experience" if it is a natural thing. now, you do have to work on it there are methods therfore scienftific explainations, you do have to seek to purify your mind, you have to think. It not lal laa laa land. And you have to let go of the work becasue no work can get you there it is already now. Be be still and live.

what it is and what it means we don't know. As scientific atheist shouldn't we not stop at just dismantling some dumb desert peoples take on the matter of god?

I think it you take the arguments out far enough you will see God itself is undefinable and exists somewhere in the present and is utterly "other" than us.

if we catch an understanding of the great elephant we have only a little mirror to compare it with.

therefore it is useless to fight about god.

My atheist friend and mine "debatefull conversation" is about I think there is an argument for god , simply because humanity created them..yes it plays out in the negative greed violent controlling human way but that is not the only way to practice. some people really go Grow and shit just happens in their of attraction? maybe

it is cant all be our imaginations. or math.

Doesn't that seem too simple?

Yes the ideal we call godly we actually crave for ourselves...........and the bible has many verses that point to a good "holy" character. it seems quite convincing in experience, hard to shake.

why work to shake it?

Figure out what that attraction IS. It exist therefore it has meaning and humans can modify it and make good use. Religion people have not made good use of the metaphoric mythical sciences to convey views into greater uubermind's knowledge.

ubermind is a less loaded way to say God to some of the readers.

it is a heavily loaded word..........we can't speak curiously about god because everyone has him predefined or pre-un-defined before we speak.

SO i create a new god name........Sir Uber-Mind. I dont like the flyign spagetti monster he is merely a mockery of the vile common religon god thing.

to his friends, It who is your disassociation.

No the jury is not out on the whole issue. It is merely out on the bible as literal and the practice of religion. There are other ways to interpret the books. Or to not need to interpret the books.

Damn lost my topic.....

Biblical Atheism...........I'd like to write that book, not to prove that god does not exist but that *GOD* wants to liberate you from your own religion so you can really explore the notion of *himself* with all the available fruits of the garden.

You all seen me use the adam and eve story in here lots and lots. It is biblical and it is a Myth but it can be seen in a way that may lead to logical insight. Our minds are like Programmed to make sense right???????

There is a correct vision that makes the holy bible a holy thing.

No i cant describe how........we can only try and discover how..........but still i cant get you to Sir Uber-Minds palace door................

damn i just wrote a salvation story..............

used it to make a point against accepting the christian gospel blindly and doctrionally. IF you take the gospel be true to that mind wave.......did you see that shit

if i could only actually come up with that at will, and add some logical use of random verses, id have me my book

Biblical Atheism..............

anyone wanna to play along in comments................


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Justine- I don't know if I qualify as an "atheist apologist". I will and do defend my atheist stance, but as I've said here, I'm more concerned with how people actually behave than with their theoretical underpinning for their morals. But I'll give you a brief picture of what I believe.

    I do not believe in a god as a being separate from people: in my view, God exists only in people's minds, not as a creator, lawgiver, or judge, except insofar as the idea of God leads people to act as such.

    We are fairly new, as a species, at social living. Animals that do not live socially need no morals, other than "look out for Number One" and "see that your genes (in the form of offspring) survive". But living in societies can improve fitness: societies are like superorganisms, with the advantage of numbers for mutual defense and support, division of labor, and so forth.

    Living in societies, however, requires that some of the selfish individualism that favors solitary animals be tempered, and that some amount of energy be devoted to the whole society. We see the beginnings of this in other social animals- for instance, vampire bats will regurgitate blood to feed other, unrelated bats. Such simple social behaviors are certainly genetic and not learned, but other social behaviors are learned, and it's difficult, if not impossible, to say where the influence of the genes stops and learning takes over.

    Humans have a certain amount of inborn sociality, but of course we learn a great deal too. Because complex societies have evolved so rapidly in humans, our genes have been largely left panting behind, unable to evolve correspondingly complex behaviors quickly enough. Thus, learning has taken over: more and more of what makes us do as we do is offloaded onto culture, in the form of stories passed on through generations, and myths, sayings, books, and now computers. These ideas are like the self of a superorganism, which creates the order necessary in its parts, us individual people, for it to function as a whole.

    One of the ideas that has evolved over and over as part of our society-building stories, is the idea of a God. God acts to encourage people to be less individual and more social, in several ways. Usually, God is a Father or Mother, like a super-parent. God rewards good and punishes bad behavior, good being what helps societies and bad being what only helps individuals.

    This is of course quite oversimplified, but that's the gist of it: God is an idea that evolved, because it helps build societies. Of course, God ideas don't work perfectly; they have the disadvantage that one can simply disbelieve them, and they often extend their ideas of love and trust only within their own tribe, which can lead to conflicts, as we know all too well.

    There's lots more to it than that, and someday I will write down my whole set of beliefs. But as I said, for me, it doesn't matter much whether someone believes in God as a real Being, or simply sees God as the inner source of wisdom necessary to navigate the seas of life: what's important is behaving nicely. And we all agree, more or less, on what that means: loving our neighbor as ourselves. Didn't someone say something like that once?

    There's lots of great stuff in the Bible, and in many other religions as well, as well as a lot of nasty stuff. Only you can decide what you should believe. But in my humble opinion, if you seek out those ideals that feel the most loving for you and your family, you are doing as well as anyone can.

    all the best to you, justine, from sunny Vienna.

  3. Thanx
    you qualify as a human with a mind thinking for its self.

    Your veiw is fair and also seems to mourn that we DONT tend to follow our lofty ideas that helped us create ourselves. Wouldn't yu agree then that we are not in the process of our creation as much as we should be? (if you chose not to deside you still have made a choice...if we arent creting what we want then we are creating what we get.)

    We think it is good for a human to have his anger under control, yet we feel justified when we feel angery. We can get stuck on changing all the thigns "others do" that make our lives miserable and make us angrey. Rather than to look to ourselves and disearn if it is even worth being angrey for.

    Humans imagine that some ALien Culture is far better than ourselves. I wonder what kind of society do we invision.

    We project those People would be logical and more organised, or better able to rise above gangs and factions and look forward to the bigger sociatial picture.

    Again, as with our mythologies, we imaigne something "other" than us would be "better" than us. Rather than doing what work WE CAN DO to make ourselves THAT CREATION.

    I dont think that human puzzle will ever be solved for me. And i think very much that my idea about god hinges on the actions we collectively take.

    My "AAF" is someone at pal talk. I dont know how offtian we will talk but our first conversation lasted most of the day off and on, and i hope it was stirring and had enough to chew on for a little bit.


Thank you Reader, thou art promoted to commentor. let's conversate.