Thursday, January 10, 2008


well dear reader, I think my mind is flipping again, i am about to get into reinvestigation of christian apologetics....more on that later on..........

How my Spiritual Struggle for Christianity is like a roach infestation.

Roaches hide behind walls, cabinets, refrigerators. They sneak out few at a time and i can squash them with much satisfaction.......This is like reading the arguments and debates.

Then i begin to see more roaches. I find babies, nymphs, adults, and adults with eggs scurrying about every time i go into the room...... This is like doubts and questions about what i am reading and observations i make on my own.

I spray poisons to keep the roaches at bay.......This is like my blog where i spray words and don't deal with the arguments skillfully. I just ignore or live with the doubts by spiritual emotionalism.

Then i Move my refrigerator and see the food source of the Roaches.......This is like going out to the thread boards to test my questions and observations and to test the arguments. Seeing Errors on all sides.

I find my Roach problem is much MUCH worse then i thought it was. That it is beyond me to control. My methods haven't dealt with anything. So i call an exterminator..........This is like meeting an apologetic friend who will walk with me thru the maze of errors.

The Roaches DIE!!!!...........This is final spiritual peace.

Now, i might have written this anti-christian if i had met an atheist apologetic friend.....But that is like making the roaches my pets instead of my unhealthy infestation.


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