Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keshathria Chapter Twenty four

Keshathria Chapter Twenty four


     We sat in the living room in an altered mood.  While George was more then willing to continue, the floor was open for random comments and questions instead.  "OH , the soul tearing out part" He whimpered taking a plunge for the best part of the couch.

                      "I don't seem to feel as thrilled with George's story."  I speak. " Diana is musing over the contrast of homes.  And I think of his decent into the macabre.  I mean , He goaded her for lashes. He fawned to her with flattery. He bragged at breakfast  this morning that flattery was one of  her weakest points.

"I had never seen George relish over any mark like this.  Even when we played jokes on Ms.Sam, he did not dive into such an intricate plot.   He was in an abusive reformer's home and he had never been treated badly.  His parents where good, gave him any opportunity they could.   He just had a knack for getting in trouble.  Nothing truly direct, he used his influence and persuasion, his plans, to maneuver himself where he wanted to be.  Street smart, if you will. 

I laughed out loud,  " of course going to MsRagina's would threw him over the edge. It was during our stay at MsSam's that he said to me, 'This is going to be a smooth gig, Jer, this one couldn't whip butter.'  Well she quickly showed George and Me her chamber for um....dusting the house.

"He himself was a manipulator, playing any system he was in.  And it didn't even matter to him if he had a low rank or was in a position of authority. I think he preferred to be the low man he said there where too many conniving bastards like himself  under the top man.  I guess what I wonder first is, well does he like pain?" I ask. " I mean, seriously why did you play her like that?" I asked.

               " Wow Jer didn't think you cared so much.  No, it was not because I  liked being abused. It was because I had this strange sense of  'I had her'. I had had her eating out of my hands.  I provoked the whipping, not her. I said the right thing at the wrong times and ruined her when I wanted to not when it was convenient to her imagination.  It was not pain that drove me, it was power.  That opposing power.  I was disconnected with my body anyway.  All I wanted was to work a way out of that house, and perhaps into a parole all the same.  Knowing that she was my enemy made it easier to focus.  But don't ask me to explain that."  George answered.

      "Well I just don't know George. I think you are crazy." Diana offered.
      " Yeah? Well whats the worst you have ever done?"  George challenged, drawing  our amusement. "You always there, hiding behind  your ...what IS that?" His lip snarled.
      "A sweater" she grunts defensively. " Well at least  I didn't....well I did tell my dad "to give up his pathetic attempts to rule me".  She blushed when George went into hysterics.  "Let's see, how did that turn out for ya D?"

      "Tsk tsk George." MsCarol interjected.  "I have two counts against you right now. Care to play a guessing game?"   George sat back down to think. MsCarol smiled coyly at  me  for a lingering moment then continued speaking toward Diana.  I knew inside myself that some lesson was being orchestrated just for me, so I became habitually mindful. There where bonus points when you could out fox MsC.  George continued sitting, counting to himself, trying to conceal that he had self discovered four possible marks, occasionally he would shake his hands out as if to erase his consciousness, because each time he counted more than two MsCarol would grin in his general direction. "Diana, Really? Pathetic Attempts? What brought that reaction on?" she asked.

Our blush-faced one set her knitting aside to speak. " It's just that he never let me be myself.  He bought all these nice cloths for us, but they where one kind of style. I would just ware my cloths under them and change out on my way to school.   It was like I was always in trouble.  Then I fell in with the youth counter culture, and became a Gia's child." 

" As angry as you have been, I wonder how your really took to all the peace, love and enlightenment stuff." MsCarol said. Diana rolled her eyes slightly then continued.
"Well ok, I didn't get all the flower vibration and visualisation stuff.  But my friends where open minded.  And we had an idea that I liked, I guess because it meant that I didn't have to take crap from my old man.  Before I was arrested, I ran away to  my friends love-camp.  That was the night I told my old man off."

"Why? What was it that set you off?" MsC asked.
"He was preaching at me about how  I had responsibilities  to this family now, and how He had certain details to take care of.  I suppose he was trying to tell me that he needed me to step up, but I just couldn't take it.  I was only 15 for gods sake, Selina was only 11, he not only made me like  a full time babysitter, he expected us to keep the house too.  Mistress, I just didn't want to anymore."

"What do you suppose might happen if you just didn't want to anymore, here? "
"Well, isn't this situation quite different?  With dad I would buck the system, with you well not so much. "
" Not completely correct, Diana.  It is the exact same situation, I have a standard that I expect to be kept.  How pathetic are my rules? "
"Mistress don't turn this into one of  your power trips."
"Diana, everything is my power trip.  I want you to ponder over  your power trip. "  MsC left her to gracefully retreat.  Many times during an evening discussion we where relieved to hear the word "ponder", for it meant that we could stop digging ourselves into  our graves, metaphorically speaking , for a few days or weeks.  It also offered the relief of  reining in our thoughts and emotions and narrowing our self reflective focus.

" How did you two meet?" Diana asked George in deflection. He grinned.
" I went to live with my uncle when I was 13.  Just because, I wanted a change of pace. My uncle was taking me on a drive around, and as we where making a turn, this dip shit come running out into the intersection... on foot. He ran up to our truck, and started dashing all around it. My uncle tried inching forward but  the boy just screamed ' No'll KILL IT. We thought it was a puppy or something, but this freak boy come from around our rear tires holding a young duck. He said that he saw it run  into a tree and injure itself and ran after it as it started to lose flight control."  We laughed I blushed, Diana shook her head, and Mistress starting to don her deep thought look...

And she relieved us all by clicking on the television. 





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