Friday, September 12, 2008

Spiritaul Mediums

Have you ever met a person with spiritaul giudes?

Some of these people are super flakey. Some seem to be too dependant on their guides for information.

I am gonna try and delve in to what i believe the mental mechanics are for this phenomona of channeling and having a spirit guide. What i see in others, some critiques ect.

But first i kinda want to do some bitching.....(no kidding) some ego centered childish gripeing about the way some people with spirit guides behave.

See, ill make a confession, i have a spirit guide. I got two of them. They got names and everything. But they are super strict.

Or maybe the right word is narrow. I mean they can be concidered quite liberal, yet there really is only one way to do a thing.

But they dont let me dress all flackey and act spooky, i dont have to carry a tarot bag to ward of the hebee jeebees. MY GUIDES......dont even let me tell anyone all the groovy shit they teach me.

I know they got their reasons. Most of which have to do with my guides ultimate desire that i be a free independant being.

Nothing mystical about that.........i am simply trying to learn how to live and to find what is true and real. My guides long ago stopped letting me channel or be possessed by them. They stoped all their chatter about dementions and worlds and other fantacies. Because i started asking questions back, and wanted to learn to understand for myself.

But they wont let me flagrantly babble that stuff. Because it all sounds like psycho babble.

It really is just psycho babble. My guides try to keep things real, and find something worth believing in.

But these other kinds of mystical channelers...........its all so kindergarten. remedial....WHAT are these people doing with *followers*....

This one girl....

She doesnt know anything on her own. She does not seem to be discovering anything. It is always some other guide speaking information thru her. Information not addressed to her or about her. But information broad and monotonious.

Now i have read some bits about her that say she and her followers scocialize in the evenings as a group and periodically one of her Guides will pop by for a visit.

*chuckles to self*

I remember doing that. Once when i was meeting new pagens i asked that Lanel go and meet them thru me. She did it. She got her self locked in for a while.

I do realise that my terms may need defineing. Locked in is what i used to call when the spirit pops by for a visit and cant leave untill the energy disipates. Sometimes a spirit can indeed pop by for just a moment, but other times perhaps when it antisipates having to stay a while it uses too much energy to pop by and cant leave untill that energy is used.

(yeah that was psycho babble.... i havent started to deal with the psychology yet so be paitient)

Any way Lanel did not like being stuck. And that was the last time she would be channeled by me. She told me that i had to learn to do the task of psychically screening people on my own.

With James it was always different. He would not pop in but would hover near, external energy he was able to come and go. I dont recall ever hearing him say he was stuck. But he normally only gave instructions while i learned.

Once, well this story is long.... ( arent they all) and it was the last time James assisted me with something.

I had just fallen in love with my husband. And i wanted to * do a spell* on some dolls so that we could each have one and it would make us feel together while we where apart, when we looked at the doll.

So i asked Lanel to give me the how to with the spell. And she explained how to do it, telling me esp not to break the circle of his and my legs during the spell.

(erm.. we where to sit infront of each other either cross legged or with out legs lapps over the others with the dolls and stuff in the circle.)

SO anyway He and I were planning on trying it out that weekend. He was aimeable to the whole freaky spiritaul girl friend thing i guess.

The evening was over shadowed with storm clouds... my psychic juices where charged up. We did most of the spell but...we got up before it was done. I forget what we got up for.......

Somewhere around that moment i felt as if i was being called out side. The feeling said "walk" and i could feel the direction pulling at me. But it was raining, i had only a slip on, and what about the spell ...all these excuses, so i did not walk. When i closed the door........i was *attacked*

There were like five dead guys outside my window, I called out to James.

He was not happy because he was opposed to me doing magic at that time. And pretty much told me i had to block them out myself. It was a struggle but...opps i forgot what he said.....he said that he didnt have the power to fight them, he was a lessor level than Lanel and Lanel had expended all her energy when she gave me the instructions for the spell. Which i had prefromed incorrectly, so he told me how to send them back and how to shut down my mind form letting them in....and i had to cover the dolls with black cloth and make all that spell energy go away too.

The next morning, i did go awalkin. Here's is what i found. That weekend had been memorial day. And someone trashed the graveyard across the main road that was near our motel. This was straight ahead the direction i had been called toward.

There was a fresh grave of a vetrin and several other vets with their flags toppled, and beer glass everywhere. Perhaps i had not been attacked but the angry spirits here felt the psychic energy and came and sought help.

What ever. My husband and I cleaned up the grave yard for the Men.

I only have a small handfull of theses stories. Though i spent years and do spend years more with these entities, the excitement is kept to a bare minimum.

Maybe i grew out of the need for the drama. Maybe my guides got old with me. Which stands to reason, cicidering that my *guides* are merely expernalised amalgamations of my finer personal qualities.

After a while i did not want the *old relationship*.

But some of these medium people havent a single thought about who THEY are. Or for that matter who is the person that stares up adoringly at them, hanging on to their every word...and learning nothing.

What good is this channeler and mystic if something is not rubbing off .......if you are not growing in liberation and discovery? If you have people just absorbing your crap and not learning independantly, then how would you know wether or not what you are teaching is bullshit? How could you know if it bears up under the scruteny of who would learn it from you? I am interested in truth and workable hypothosi, isnt everyone concerned with that?

Her teachings would be worthless if she is not. Well the perticular person i am useing as my straw man does not even teach anything. She just verbally meanders thru dictated information and answers no questions. But i guess that isjust what it is like when she is *doing an interveiw*

My guides are not interested in having their oppionions made public truth. Besides most anything they have said to me have been contructs that i myself have picked up along the way of my spiritaul seeking and therefore not new or original anyway.

Just like her shit.

I am hardly even able to do anything with as much vigour for a camera or an audence that i can to all by myself. Holy SHIT.... i am ever so thankfull to god almighty that i can even write. Here , is my medium for self expression and being myself and that well.

Oh man.i can dance....i know i can.....i raise up so much energy and vibration when i move...........but dang nab it.........i just cant do it when somebody is looking. Of course this could merely be a case of *singing in the shower syndrome*, and the truth may very well be that i just SUCK at anything i would want to show myself off doing. But these freaky mediums, why they can flop all over the place for you. But my fucking guides wait untill they have me in private for the good shit.

And it took years for me to learn how to *channel* this into writeing. Long hours of training just to get to hear these thoughts slow enough to even put letters on them.

I am grateful.... even if i seem the fool sometimes.

And even here, i dont get to *write magic* every time.

(reconciders, is it this place or the other one I like better.....doesnt matter just happy.....sometimes critical thought just ruins the magic)

oh ... the psychology i precieve that goes on when ready for that.

ok... what is her delusion?


What is with this kid? Does she belive these are interdementional beings? ALL of the dead of all time just itching to visit you? They ALL got something super important to say?

Girl that is WAY too busy. Too many teachers not enough student left to learn.

How come when you are *cognisent* of being yourself, you are such a meak and weak person? Do you always need a Guide to do your pontificateing? How come your guides dont teach you what to teach others, and well.........there are jsut so many questions.............many of them spiritaully redundant.

It is just i cant accept you. You are not an athority, you are not passing anyhting on that will strengthen your followers.

You merely have their worship.

Me and my guides want more.

Shit child if i was to tell you how many wyas you are fucking up, it would back fire and you would learn to become even more diabolical, and less yourself..........even less of your being actualy enjoying the life of your self-honesty.

And more the ego created by the thrall of having these beings share your space.
and the ego of self importance that coems with having the mindless cater to everything you say.

Like EW.

look sometimes you have to shut down. sometimes you have to shut up all instruction. I sure hope she does.

Maybe she does this medium stuff for attention. I was young once.. it was fun. But it had to stop before it controled me.

well thats it for now.

izm (ps yeah i know i jsut didnt have the time to try to psychoannalise this...maybe let's leave that up to the commented questions center on what is the brain there cognitive dissonence involved, how much is out and out lieing, and how common are the experiences of those people who claim spirit guides, Is there a meglo mania it the person's or the spirit's (that being the part of the person that they have to become in order to express because of their own self esteem issues)............sheesh lots of ideas for the topicing.....

*chirp chirp*

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