Friday, August 8, 2008

Dark Ages, History, and human greed

I watched a show about the dark ages and the plauge last evening. It got me thinking a few things i should like to try and see if i can reiterate and make sencable here.

When i saw the multitudes of people dieing from the babaric hordes and vikings, the church and the black death, i wondered how many of those common persons where what our modern church would call *saved*.

I wager that mass droves of common people where afraid of the chruch's power to kill them and take their sustanence. I also wager that the common person barely 2 generations from celtic paganism and roman religion even understood the gospel.

Out of their understanding of scripture we have the flaggelant movement. A group of fanatics who thought they could masochistically reinact the whipping parts of the passion of Christ. They did this in order to try to pay enough pennence that god would turn back the black death.

After a short while ( as the plauge was from 1347 to 1350) this group of men went from *pious pentient* to church robbers and after whipping parties (with wemon). So much for cleaning up and repenting of sins to turn god's wrath.

Also during the same time the Chruch as so full of holy power that even the Pope was corrupt. Now, there was no other option. You had no choice wether you wanted to be a pentachast or a catholic. And you sure could not be a Spiritaulist. So a person of that time was born and baptised and raised with the priests breathing down their necks.

I dont think these people would be concidered *saved* at the time they lived. We are talking about people who belived that if you put a host waffer in a baby's crib it would ward off infant death. These people believed that if they put the blood of the Flaggelent on their eyes they would be saved from the death and blessed. They called it Miricle blood. IN short they did not know their scriptures, and the words they did know they attributed pagan/magical understandings.

You listen to these Christians who insist that the RCC is not saved, and those who do not know their scriptures well can be lost in a false cult. And i wonder, do they realise then, that the church they have today was built up on the souls of the damned? According to what chrisitans say makes for salvation, the people of the dark ages fall miserably short.

It is like first came Jesus and Paul, then came the political organisation of the church, which squelched and dorctinalised the christianity(ies) left behind after paul died. Turned it into the powerhouse it became. Not for the souls of men but for the power and station. Face it the churches first missionaries where well dressed barbaric hords.

It is like i can say, all the people from 150 ad thru to the Protestant reformation (1600's) was ALL the DOCTRINE of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. Therefore according to modern christianity, 600 years of FALSE TEACHING. Which equals..........Millions upon millions who went to hell during the darkest ages of history.

Even today with all our means for getting information, what ever we stored and believed now would be unrecognisable to the sincibilities of those people born 600 years form now. So supposeing a christian believes that he finially had the right interpretations of scripture and doctrine, the person 600 years form now would see us as completely off the mark and in our ignorance. Perhaps those of tomarrow will find our souls desparatly lost.

Let me try to state the point again, becasue it blows my mind. According to today's Christianity, the souls of the first 6 centuries are lost.

That means that the only thing that caused the growth of church power was Human greed.

Did you know, at some point around 1350, the christians thought that the black death was happening because they were allowing the Jews to live? Now, someone please tell me where the doctrines say we are supposed to kill jews to please god? But these people did. They thought the jews were poisioning wells, they thought that god was punishing them with *the black death* becasue they tolerated christ killers.

Human fear, greed, and acting out against unseen forces. It is like humanity gets confused and resort to the only thing we do well in a crisis.........kill violently, loot , fuck, and kill somemore.

Why did'nt people wake up and say all this violence and murder is fucking STUPID, and why dont we love our neighbors?

Of course they had given up on loving their neighbors becasue the price for careing was self sacrifice. Help a plauge victum could very well cost your life.

Seeing that show really frustrated me. Makes me hate humanity with more passion. We are greedy ignorant selfish fools. Makes me think how much i hate the idea that the death of me might come at the hands of a fool blinded by fear and hate. But in the hopeless eyes of a human-being, terrified about things he cannot control, my death is just so much mastbatory frustration release.

How fickle we are. How desparatly unimportant.

Another thought i had was, according to modern christianity , The Tribulation would be the worst of the worst that humanity has ever seen. I think Jesus' words where "there shall be a tribulation such as the world has never seen" He implied also that after this tribulation the sun would go dark and then the Judgement would commence with his return to rule earth. The people of teh dark ages cirtenly thought this was the BIG BAD that promised HIS return.

Well we know the dark ages where NOT that time. From this we may confir that over half of the population of earth dieing, barbaric mindless killing hords, currupt church run governments, famines, sickness, not being able to settle down and farm or rebuild society for hundreds of years....................IS NOT THE WORST TIME IN HISTORY>

According to those trigger happy rapturists, the worse is yet to come. Because Jesus did not come at the end of that tribulation like he promised.

Let me walk you thru a town in the plauge days......can you imagine 400 people dieing a day, laying about in the streets, piled up higher than a car? Imagine HALF of humanity today dead.
So many people died during the plauge that much of london is a mass grave yard. Not to mention all the trade towns in all of Europe are also graveyards. We truely are build up on the bones of dead men.

Directly after the Black death sweept its godly wrath on humanity, we did , as humans do, pick up the peices and enter into renewal. Families and towns rebuilt. Food was pleantyfull becasue , well becasue there was not as high a demand for food when cities worth of people have died.
Our diet changed then from dependance on grains to the addition of fruit and veggies and more meat. Things where looking up for humans. Babies where born and the future looked good. The former peasents could now buy land for themselves.

But the Rich people did not like to have to plant their own feilds. The rich people did not like to have to depend on their own backs for life support. So guess what they DID?

Oh come on guess.

Yup they sent their surplus of knights left over from the crusades to terrorise and loot the Towns people.

You have watched your mother, brothers ,sisters and father die from have that fresh in your memory, and all seems well now. You look into your baby's healthy eyes, and see the future. And then your town gets raided and they kill your child and rape your wife to death, while cleaning out your barn. And i would wager those human fucktards likly burned your feilds too, so you would be forced back into surfdom and work the feilds of the rich.

Not fair huh?

bloody horrific, evil and repulsive. These are my people. These are your people.

Have you ever asked yourself why we are not barbaric hords today? Is it fear of our governments? Is it becasue there is plenty food? Is it because we are more educated?


Did you know that america has a pretty high illiteracy rate? 2 out of 3 americans cannot read adaquatly. SO you cant say education keeps us from forming bands of raiders. Maybe it is becasue we have plenty food. But that is a fickle stance.

Shall we become hords of raiders again once our over population becomes apparant?

Of course some people dont think we are over populated as a planet. I do.

I look at the number of American Indians that had lived in North America for hundreds of years before white man got here. They did not over populate. There was plenty room for them and the white men to share land. And what did we do.....

Go on guess.

YUP! we killed and relocated them so we could have their land and credit it to our wealth. And we have in less time than the Indians EXISTED in america, infested the land like rats. In 200 years we have filled up every space in habitable in america. That is over population.


What next?


I though something about how ineffectaul our repentence was in the dark ages. They sent troops in to crush prostitution and gambeling, to make people more pious. And it didnt even last 2 years. Therefore in retrospect we can see that it was completely useless. It did nothing to desuede god nor did the punishment change men. When a few men blessed god for the end of the plauge and set about to live again, more human greed destroyed it.

You know how the bible always goes on about the jews getting bad and then god judged and/or saved them and then a few years later they are all corrupt again? (read the book of judges )It used to make me very angery at jews for being pig headed when it comes to obeying the Lord.

Now i laugh at myself. ALL HUMANITY tells the tale of judges. We are the stiff necked and rebellious people, simply by being human.

IS that an argument for original sin? No..... not as such. It is a testament to the inefectaul promises of the bible. Men have tried to repent, but they are incapible. A few manage to repent but the others wont let it stick. So even if we found the *RIGHT* religion, OTHER HUMANS wont let you enjoy it, becasue they want what you have. They want your money, your service, and even your bodies to fight their wars. SO it really doesnt seem to matter wether or not you wish to be right with god. NO ONE ELSE DOES. And according to the bible, God will judge us as NATIONS and groups as well as individauls.

gawd.........i think im just babbleing here. Imputent and frustrated becasue i am human. And what i say does not matter.

DAMN IT I GOT MYSELF DEPRESSED AGAIN>..........wheres my pills!!!!


(PS sorry folks the friggen spell checker didnt work again)


  1. Hey Justine- just checking in again. As you know already, my answer to this problem in salvation is that there is no salvation: there is just the life we are lucky enough to enjoy right now. How are you doing?

  2. I finially had to settle my fatalistic funk by remebering that anyhting good i think i like....was invented by humans none the less. Shoot we invented the singular beautifull moments that give meaning to our lives.

    I am doing well......getting ready for a daughter's 14th first slumber party........*shudders*

  3. Ponders a come the plauge only lasted a few years? Did the survivers have an immunity like in the Stand? Did they suddenly invent penicillin, then forgot about it? Did they invent the Raid Flea spray?


    well, i dont just might be.........

    god did pay attention to the humans in their youthfull appeals...

    welll.... isnt that special?

  4. The plague only lasted a few years, because it killed just about everyone without natural immunity, and had no victims left. It did pop up over and over again during the next few centuries, and still shows up occasionally, even in the U.S., but it's now easily treatable.

    Good luck with your daughter's slumber party. It's not that bad, just a bunch of giggling girls in pajamas. Our daughter is now eighteen, and organizes her own parties.


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