Tuesday, October 14, 2008

They're Here

howdy humans,

(((this is a response in a thread about the October 14, 15, 16 possible Galactic Federation of Light Space Ship appearance. and or Project Blue Beam)))))

no i wasn't being sarcastic.

Just, i have a few opinions about this that may appear to be negative or skeptical. First off; the amount of people who are "believing" in this thing, I'll call the Big Love....many of them are still far removed from the simplicity of responding to life and think in terms of a thing to be had, gotten, lacking hither too. But which is merely ignored. Our minds always busy with "more important things". The Big Love unity thingamigger we have always craved and have already tried to bolster fervent hope for and have always even blatantly LIED to seemingly achieve was never farther form us than attention. Simple careful observation and responding in love to the moment of this life. How many butterflies crossed your car on the way home today? Did you care to notice the tone of your child's voice when he expressed himself? Not so much to plan on noticing this image your now holding in your mind called "life happening" but to hush and let life move you. Not with reckless abandon and certainly not with false hopes for a special arrival of Big Love.

It was never out of the limit of your perception, you simply have been ignoring it. And i don't mean for you to start imagining anything, but to notice and respond to the more important thing and love it. if you can, throw out any kind of negative thought for a space of time notice silence. notice and observe, life has rhythm, life itself no matter who you are has meaning unto yourself. each cloud you see, you see with your own eyes. But see....

This kind of message is not well received. the mind suddenly says what about law, what about evil? See , some times i wonder if even Big Love is able to help human kind. Does he have the power? The few good souls among ourselves are often the ridicule of our society. And many of us are merely reminiscing something wonder we seldom get to experience, and spent the rest of our time pursuing that someplace. But when we find it, remember that is was there just a Minute ago also. It is the time of life. Why you humans need aliens to teach you this stuff is pretty silly. The simple fact is , apparently human beings don't care about goodness honer, integrity, compassion, not murdering. If anything good comes from this false hope in Alien Saviours, let us take from it the understanding that we have the power over ourselves, and the intelligence to put good men as rulers, and to be self aware and thoughtful in our actions regardless of external help. But still, maybe we need a break in the cycle of our evil, an intervention. It would be nice if there come beings capable of correcting all of us.

I mean right this min a greasy American is buying the services of a three year old child. And our only available method for defending her is angry violence, because he simply realises that, that gut wrenching personal disgust for the person he allowed himself to become and the notion that it is a terrible and vile thing he likes to do, really has no power over him. But the guilt fear condemnation and shame clearly do have power over him. And he forgets, love and many other things.

therefore DOES BIG LOVE have the power to make us desire truth? What is our human response to thing we do not understand and ultimatums? typically fear and violence . And any kind of sighting will provoke the same. "Big love mandated" is a threat to the comforts of many.... it would take years of careful instruction just to get the human race to understand..or better still remember the enjoyment and respect for life, the worship and adoration of truth........the very words sound powerless and empty.

Listen to the crickets, they will tell you everything.
oh yeah and it could be the government...see you in the interment camps....To serve man ... and Big Love does not mean naivety, false hope, or blind allegiance.

a cool new word salad, follow the link


1 comment:

  1. ((( this is a responce from my friend Mary, and our email dialouge. I felt it brought out what i was pointing at above.)))

    MARY: I don’t know if you’re talking about Scientology, but I do have a response.

    I have been in emotional turmoil on and off for several weeks. The wall I had constructed by the age of twelve has come down and it has been quite the emotional roller coaster. Too much has happened to share right now . . . but in the midst of it all I have my kids and the in-laws coming this weekend and I am a wreck. I didn’t get to sleep until 3am this morning and for two days I’ve been worthless. The only thing I accomplished today besides feeding the cats and checking my email was a dentist appointment. But I did have a Big Love experience:

    I was sitting at the dining room table when I heard a thud and my first reaction was that a bird had hit the house so I ran outside because one of the cats was out and sure enough there was my precious Kubiak sniffing a downed goldfinch. So I picked him up and moved him away and then gently picked up the goldfinch and cradled her in my hands and stroked her back. She seemed fine so I put her on the bird platform and waited. She stood still for some time and then her little head started to move and before too long she took off. It was a remarkable experience. I have twenty bird feeders in the yard and I love watching “my babies.” But I have longed to hold one of them and today that happened. I’m sorry she had to be stunned, but I will forever remember holding that precious tiny creature.


    IZM: That appreciation and care for that chance to show love. The happyness of a small wish come to pass, this is all part of Big Love. But i was not referring to Scientology. But to the belief of many that there was to be an alien space craft show up this week, and that the beings where supposed to come in love and they all hoped, the aliens would help us evolve into better civilisation. Yet the only message that they bring, is simply to love one another. To appreciate life and care for our living space wisely.

    My responce was what ever the ALiens, or the Second Comming, or the perfect new religion has to offer the wolrd....such things where already available to us. Such truths where always within our grasp. Such a reality was there for you and that bird.

    I am glad you had a chance to enjoy that special moment inside of a day distracted by shit.

    (i wonder if i could post your comment to my blog it is a good example)

    MARY: I didn’t know that about people waiting for aliens to show them a way to increased consciousness. We are strange creatures, aren’t we?

    Sure, feel free to post my response on your blog if you’d like.


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