It sucks being human. Humans have short life spans, short memories, and their hindsight outweighs their foresight. People are stubborn, opinionated, self-centered animals. Even me. I will approach this question form the point of view of a space alien's observations about the people of earth.
(P.S.- this is a excerpt from Zen master's joke book circa 1999)
If you can identify, coolbeaners. Because as far as humans go, i am just about the only one who holds nothing secret.
I have learned that honesty is not always the best policy. Because humans are natural born Liars. Even your more honest types are hiding something. SO when you are a very honest open person they naturally assume that you too are hiding something. And human nature immediately conceives that , that something is sinister and dark and full of malcontent. Because that is what their own mind is thinking about their own secret lie.
AS far as humans go, I am exactly the same as the next guy. Although no one will admit it to themselves. If we where not all basically the same then there would be no psychological and philosophic science., mathematics, or existence. But all humans want to be right. All humans want to have superiority. All humans want peace. Most humans don't have the kind of peace they want. All humans blame themselves least of all. By blaming themselves is do not mean a helpless chanting of "oh mea culpa" I mean to label what offends you as being a mistake in your own thinking.
(lets your heart regain beating)
All humans think by sight. They would rather follow than lead, and those who wish to lead also wish to be seen as the Superior one, and they even follow principles that they or another have put up.
The only way to peace, love, and joy is thought non-contrivance. And non-attachment. By this i do not mean emotional-less-ness. I am not clinging to any thing's as a "should be" perminate state.
I should be always happy, will destroy happiness
Those that are of good cheer are also not alone. For misery loves company. As i write this, I am depressed. I am depressed because i cant get what i want. I cannot seem to deny my desire.
And i suffer. ( anyway back to the memo)
Humans want retaliation, vengeance and reward. Humans want and want and cant see what they have. All humans have a GOD. Some fight it, some fight with is, some fight against it, some Love it, some hate it, some fight for it, and some hurt it by hurting its followers, and some just don't think about it.
Nearly all religious conversions are out of fear, depression, pain, and reward of vanity. All religions consider themselves superior to others. All religions bear personal interpretation. No two believers are exactly the same in mind on everything.
Because truth is so elusive and so personal, it is absurd to believe one faith is best or right. In the end it boils down to you being right and everybody else being wrong.
But humans love to fight. They fight or not fight to be superior to their opponent. Who can walk above this?
Sufferings, evils, stupidity!
Freedom, Goodness, Awareness!
Who knows for sure which belief is true? How you perceive will be how you will live by the world. What you do is who you are, not what you should do. Say you are a Christian, yet still tormented by violent anger. Is it your god's doing? Or your Satan's doing? No, it is your choice to be angry. It is compulsion. Can god help? No, not directly.
But if your prayer makes you aware of the problem and you cure it, then you have your god to thank.
Humans desire one pattern answer to tell them how to be in every situation. How will they or how should they respond to any made up situation. ( it is like a simulation) This makes up most of their Laws and Morals. All humans agree on the very basics. Do not steal form anyone, and do not harm anyone. And freedom of belief/non-belief.
The latter is not always followed and the former two no one obeys at all. NO NOT EVEN ONE.
NO faith should preach, it wastes so much energy and for many, leads to rejection and despair. All faiths are sweet when followed for the Self. Not followed for others to see how right we are. Attraction is merely natural agreements.
Most humans answer their own questions when they ask, or in their very words. Most of the time a question is posed to elicit a certain response. A way to piss a human off is to agree with them sometimes. They demand a contrary response; yet they want to be right. And conversely if you disagree with a human it means war.
Humans want to win by attrition. Another way to piss them off is to not be affected by them. If they want to insult you, don't get angry, in fact return love and gratitude for their better interest or offer.
They will absolutely HATE YOU for it! Look at what they did to Jesus.
Humans hate to lose by default. Humans are plagued by fear, esp fear of the unknown. They are so smothered by their worry and "correct responses" that when the unknown happens, they miss it, behave wrongly. or realise how much life they missed by worrying. Worry is a sin against humanity. It steals their lie. Opps i mean life.
Humans live by past and future. They are never thinking of now. Now is a thought in the backs of their minds. They think instead through their emotions, and their reasons, and their rationalisations, which are like hats they can ware.
Their addictions and compulsions consume them and they think only of what needs to be done next, or after this.
Humans maybe spend less than one third of their lives, truly alive. And sadly so the majority is during tragedy. The more pleasurable parts of life sometimes being Childhood or Youth, or in the throws of certain mental illnesses and malfunctions.
And the most pathetic thing is their most respect guru said. "No one will see the Kingdom of Heaven without the faith of a child."
This Kingdom is Now!
Humans consider age when they seek wisdom and degrees of education and nomenclature. Humans always complicate the simple. Humans always jump ahead and try to apply one statement to every idea.
Humans are head strong but mind weak. Humans as a whole are rather amusing but not worthy of our instruction. Humans want truth but they cannot handle the truth.
What more can i say? If i go one with the evils of humanity i could likewise partake in their stupidity. My anger and sense of security would be just like theirs. What can i say, by way of comparison to help these humans?
I say,
If they come face to face with all they truly are, esp their sin nature, and ask themselves.... "WHY"
And then stop and listen only to their own minds. Filter and take into account what they know. No argument ( not much anyway) No grasping ideas. They will hear alot. Then they must ask the hearer, (their true pure mind)
If all this babble is wrong, then what is Right, God?
one thing i have nto learn in this life is how to edit my pic tomake it larger, now i got two up there, but i guess that could be the presence of my alter ego.